Sunday, June 23, 2013

VBS at Pryor Creek

It only comes around once year,
this little thing called VBS.

And at our church, it's always fun and rewarding.
This years' Vacation Bible School theme was Investigation Destination.

The kids searched for clues to the King of Kings!
And wore some pretty cool spy gear as well.

They did lots of crafts!

And spent lots of time talking about their cool spy gadgets.

The kids are always so sweet and eager to learn.

These kids are so smart.
They memorize verses, listen to Bible lessons, play games, and run around 
with each other having a great time!
Why didn't I go to VBS as a child?!!

Some kids are goofy.

Others love posing for pictures and telling me stories.

VBS never has a shortage of fun.

Or cute kids!

Each year, we have a competition.
We have two opposing teams.
This years teams were the Spies and the Agents.
I was on the Spies.
Kids and workers bring pennies to add to their team.
I was the designated "Penny Counter" this year.
Didn't think the job would be as hard as it was.
But there were so many pennies!
I lost count a few times ;)
The pennies are donated to one of our missions.
Our final total was over $200!

The point of VBS is to share the gospel with children.
And when I saw sweet little Abby reading her Bible, it melted my heart.

This is the second year in a row that I have taken pictures for VBS.
I put a slideshow together with music.
The kids absolutely LOVE seeing their picture up on the projector.
This one got a roomful of laughs!

I really enjoyed my time with VBS this year.
 We had a great group of kids that kept me laughing the whole time.

And I know that God did a great work in all our lives this past week.
I loved just hanging out with all the kids.
They are, after all, the next generation to carry on His Kingdom's work.
Investing in them is always worth it!

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