Monday, February 23, 2015

Our Weekend In Review: Moments and Money

Our weekend has been filled with lots of unexpected surprises.

We became the proud owners of a new couch, new desk, and a few other odds and ends. 
We sold our old couch in fifteen minutes on our local Facebook Classifieds.
It was gone in just under two hours.
I went to bed that night and thought, "I sure hope nothing important fell behind the couch cushions. Because it is G-O-N-E now!"

But then, like He always does, God reminds me that sometimes in life, we just have to let things go.
I cling to material things a little too tightly sometimes.
I forget that everything in my possession is really God's. 
And that every good and perfect gift is from above.
What leaves us, will come back tenfold.
That is, if we are willing to part peacefully with it.

I do my best to remember that.
To not take things for granted.
Because everything is temporary.
What doesn't fade is a happy heart, a gentle spirit, and kind deeds.

It reminded me of this quote:

I've met quite a few of these people.
Who place too much value on the size of their paycheck.
On the type of car they drive.
On the nice possessions they own.
On expensive jewelry, makeup, attire, and toys.
They're always trying to keep up with the Jones.

In the wise words of Dave Ramsey:
"We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like."

And in the wise words of one of my favorite writers/multi-millionaires, Charley Jordan:
"I don't believe there is much difference between people who have money and people that don't have money."

Collect moments--not money.
Good perspective: we all enter the world with nothing and we all exit it with nothing.
Don't get caught up in competing with the world; get caught up in your passions and in your purpose.
True happiness will follow :)

Alright, with all that said let's move on to this little guy.

Who, though he is not my flesh and blood, feels so much like mine.
He's four.
He's smart.
He likes to help Kelly build things.
And my house is an open door for him.
Because one March night, he climbed into my lap and said, "You talk."
I replied, "No, you talk."
He giggled uncontrollably.
Then asked me to play Headbanz with him.
And I did.
Ever since, we've been the best friends.
And somewhat inseparable when in the same room.

Every Sunday morning, I sit across from him as we eat breakfast in Sunday School.
He talks my ear off.
I listen and ask questions.
Like, "Do you know how much God loves you?"
And he says, "Up to Heaven."

Friends, in case you're reading this, God, too, loves you up to Heaven.

After Sunday School, we had potluck.
I can't tell you how much I look forward to it.
I always end up in my preschool room sitting on a yellow preschooler chair laughing.
I have great church people.
They're like a little village within a little town.

And one day, when I have children, I know it will be this little village of people who will help us raise them.
Who will love them.
Who will pick them up when they fall.
Who will let them mess up and give love in return.
Ah...I can't wait!

For now, I'm just one of their villagers, loving on their children.

And, in my biased opinion, they're the cutest, sweetest kids I've ever met!
Just look at these two singing their little hearts out.

We ended our weekend with snow (BOO!), and pizza and video games.
Oh, and this crazy kid.
Who is my actual flesh and blood, though people often mistake us for girlfriend and boyfriend.

We were walking through Wal-Mart on Saturday and my brother said to me, "Dude, I think people think we're together. They keep looking at us weird."
"We are together," I said. "We're walking through the store. We drove here together."
"No," he shook his head. "Like, together together."
"Gross," I responded, then proceeded to walk five feet in front of him.

My brother and Kelly played video games and we had pizza.
My mom and I talked organization and the dogs.
It felt good to have my family over.
It doesn't happen often, but I do love having them in my home.
I love that we have this weird bond.
Three people who lived in the smallest space imaginable.
Who shared a room
And fell asleep every night laughing.
Friends, they were hard times, but they made me love my mother and brother so much more deeply.
I also learned how to be content anywhere.
In any living structure.
So long as the ones I love are close by.

I say this with as much love and grace as I can, if you don't love your people, you're missing the point of life.
You're missing who God asked you to love.
You're missing the people who will wound you, frustrate you, and break your heart.
But who will also heal you, love you, and mend you.
People, regardless of how lost they may be, matter; money never will.
And I'm beyond thankful that God reminded me of this this weekend.
Because I was in much need of a breakthrough :)

Keep up with us here!
Check out my store for products and resources I use daily.

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