Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Good Wife Chronicles: A Letter To The Angry Wife

Dear Angry Wife,

I know that you're human. I know that you're tried. I know that you're wounded. Because I've been there. I have been the 'Angry Wife'.

I'm not sure what you're angry about. It's really none of my business. But I want you to know that I care about your marriage. I so deeply care about your union with your husband. And because I care so much, I felt led to write this letter to you.

You and I--we married flawed men. They have, and will, disappoint us because like us, they are only human. They will make mistakes. They will push us to our limits. Though they will try, they won't always meet our every need. They will, ultimately, fail us. 

Because they will fail us, we will spend a big part of our marriage forgiving these flawed creatures we share a home with. And we'll have to let things go more often than we really want to.

These sinners we have married are tasked with a hard job, just like ours. They are called to be leaders--to lead spiritually, physically, and financially. These tasks come with a great amount of responsibility. And stress. When he's stressed out, what he needs most is grace--not anger.

I don't know why you're angry. Maybe your husband is cheating on you. Maybe he's putting his needs above yours. Maybe he's mean. Maybe he's not as romantic as he once was. Maybe he expects more out of you than you can give. I don't know why you're angry, but I know that nothing can be resolved when you're angry.

An angry wife can destroy her marriage quickly. She can rob her household of peace and joy. She can force her husband to work late and get up early just to avoid her. Eventually, he will stop communicating with her altogether.

"Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires." James 1:19

You have a choice everyday. You can choose to be a joyful wife who overlooks her husband's shortcomings, or you can choose to be an angry wife who repels her husband.

Angry Wife, please don't ruin your marriage over his choices. Don't push him away when he needs you most. Offer grace, forgiveness and encouragement. I have never met a man who hasn't been charmed by his smiling, joyful wife.

Whatever you're angry about today, let it go. Hand it over to God. Start--right from this moment--choosing joy over anger. With your encouragement and love, your husband will slowly become the man you often pray he steps up to be.

Angry Wife become the Joyful Wife today and watch your marriage slowly restore itself.

Your Wife-Friend in Christ,

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