Each year, I choose a theme for my life.
What I hope to accomplish personally over the year.
What I hope to learn spiritually.
How I hope to grow.
Instead of New Year resolutions, I pick a yearly theme.
Last year's theme was joy. And God taught me a great deal about having a cheerful heart. I really loved growing in this area. I decided to search myself and pray about finding what it is I need to focus on this year. What I hope to take away from the next 365 days here.
So, this year's theme is contentment.
And the Bible verse to accompany 2014 is: "...I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." (Philippians 4:11-12)
Generally, when I think about contentment, I think about being content with my material possessions or living situation. But I learned how to be content with the size of the roof over my head many years ago. We went from a beautiful five-bedroom house to a two-room studio. And God showed me that the size of the house didn't matter; it's who you shared it with that did.
The definition of contentment is: the state of being contented; satisfaction; ease of mind.
So, no, my contentment for this year is not focused on worldly desires or material possessions. My goal of contentment this year is to find ease of mind during each season I encounter on my Christian walk.
I'm no stranger to the changing seasons. I've learned how to recognize them when I'm in them. But for a long time, my sole focus is to get through one season and move on to the next. What I want to accomplish this year is to find contentment in each season. I want to thrive; not just survive.
When God is blessing abundantly, I want to enjoy those blessings without worrying that tomorrow there could be a change in seasons. I want to stop worrying about tomorrow and be content with today.
When I am in a stressful season, I want to learn how to find contentment in God's strength knowing that He will provide the calm and quiet I desperately need.
When things begin to pick up, and life flourishes beneath the weight of a stressful season, I want to figure out how to gracefully approach those busy times without getting overwhelmed. I want to be content with being busy.
When I am in a dry season, and things have slowed, I want to take comfort in the simplicity of my days. I want to learn how to be content when there is no storm raging--when God does not have to rescue me from my hardships. I want to be content with the times He gives me to recover and recoup.
I want to learn how to put my mind at ease in all situations. That is my hope for 2014. That is my goal for this year.
Do you have a theme for 2014? If not, maybe now is a good time to ask God what you need to focus on this year to help you improve your Christian walk.
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