Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Stressful Seasons, They're Really Blessings In Disguise

If you were to step into my shoes right now, I can guarantee that you would quickly step out and say something along the lines of: "Gurrrrl, your life is a disaster!"

It's true.

I'm. A. Mess.

I am battling a terrible sore throat and head ache (most likely the flu, even though I take a Vitamin C tablet every morning without fail and drink Green Tea like it's going out of style).

My husband's job, which has always provided for us, is not a guarantee at this point in time.

My job, while not on the line, has recently become the main source of stress in my life (don't worry; I still LOVE it!).

I have four sweet kiddos (aged 2-11) currently camped out in living room while their Momma, a very dear friend, just welcomed her NINTH child into the world! And it's come to my attention that I am the WORST babysitter in the history of babysitting. Please, pray for them. And me.
"Do you need food?"
"Do you need to go to the bathroom?"
"I am going into my room to lay down on my bed for an hour and contemplate life. You can come nap with me if you want to. If not, just holler if you see blood. Please, don't do anything to cause the blood."

I am operating on 9 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours.

Oh, and we're still in the long, drawn-out process of purchasing a house. Our fourth attempt in nearly a year.

I mentally high-fived myself just for getting out of bed this morning.

I'm serious.

I really did.

Because despite my life being full of stresses (good and not-so-good), I am still in a positive state of mind. This is just a stressful season. It won't last forever. As my mother always says, "This, too, shall pass."

And it will.

I will get over the cold.

God will provide work for my husband.

My job--like all things--will go through changes as I grow and become a better teacher.

The four blessings that are filling my home with loud shouts of laughter and giggles are filling my heart with lots of joy. And even though I am not all together, they're a very forgiving bunch. They're also really young so they may forget that one time I lacked creativity and fun activities to keep them occupied while anxiously waiting to meet their new sister.

Sleep can be caught up on the weekend.

And each month that our home buying process lengthens, I'm more convinced that God doesn't want us to settle for anything less than His best. That thought makes my heart happy.

My stresses may pale in comparison to yours or they may make you grateful for the ones you're currently dealing with. Whatever the case may be, stressful seasons are beautiful and complicated.

Here's why Stressful Seasons are really blessings in disguise:
1. They draw me closer to God.
I praise God in all seasons. I love Him in all seasons. I seek Him in all seasons. But when I'm under pressure and I'm trying to pull myself together, I really do draw closer to Him. I lean on His strength. I hand my stress over to God and say, "It's all yours!" Because I know that there are some things in this life that I could not possibly do in and of myself. Only God can open doors when they are bolted shut. Only God can calm a sea that threatens to destroy my shoreline. Only God can handle the things I cannot. When I rely on Him entirely, my relationship with Him grows and we become closer.

2. They make me grateful for calm seasons.
When things are going good, I thank God for those times. Because I know they don't last forever. So, I take the time to prepare myself for the difficult seasons that are ahead. I spend lots of time reading my Bible. I do lots of research. I take a break from life and spend more time with people. I play silly games like Angry Birds. I outline blog posts. I outline lessons for my classes. I read books. I clean out closets and learn how to cook something new. I just enjoy the time I have where everything is calm and quiet. I'm mentally prepared for this rough season because I've learned the art of taking advantage of the easy seasons.

3. They reveal my true character.
When I am in the midst of trying season, God reveals to me who I really am. He reveals how I withstand pressure, how gracefully I handle my faith, and how I treat others while my life is undergoing calamity. God knows that I need a good dose of self-examination every once in a while to show me what my progression has been in this Christian walk.

When I am in a trying season, I'm normally just try to survive it. But the last couple of days have revealed to me that's not necessarily the case anymore. In the midst of my trying season, I'm no longer focused entirely on me. Others depend on me and I have risen to the occasion. I'm still a work-in-progress, but I'm getting there.

Stressful seasons can be rough, but they don't last forever. They're great opportunities to strengthen your faith and refocus on God. If you're going through a stressful season, thank God for the work He's doing in your life.


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