Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Positive Side Effects of Perils

Entitled. Shallow. Selfish. Unkind. Unsaved.

Once upon a time, I was all of these things.

Looking back now at the ordinary 12 year-old I used to be, I'm always amazed at the hardships that God helped me endure over the course of 6 very hard, long years.

I'm also grateful that he chose me to endure the perils I did:

My innocent eyes watched the destruction of my parents marriage.

I traveled many miles with a suitcase in hand between two homes without ever leaving a 5-block radius.

Friends abandoned me in my hour of need.

Difficult people tried to break me.

My life was in danger.

Adults, who knew better, bullied me.

People used me for their own personal gain.

I was emotionally abused.

I suffered severe anxiety and dealt with bouts of depression.

I was met with countless failure and opposition.

People I loved and trusted, hurt me.

At the time, I didn't realize that I was enduring a very difficult season in my life; I was just a teenager completely unacquainted with the world. But I can still remember that feeling of constantly being on edge--never really settled.

It's taken me a long time to be able to reflect back on those times without getting angry with the situation or people involved. To not be angry with God for allowing those terrible things into my life.

But one day, I looked around at the life I have now and cried out in thanks. God has restored everything I've lost--twice over. And there is no more room for anger in my heart anymore. Just gratitude.

These days, I'm able see those six years for what they really were. God used those difficult--and hurtful--parts of my past to teach me some truly wonderful things. Once my perspective was right, I was able to see the positive side effects of perils.

1. Lots of Compassion
Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn - Romans 12:15
I've never met anyone who's had the exact same journey that I have, but I have met many who have a similar one. Being able to talk with them, encourage them, and show them what God has done for me has helped me minister to others.

We all face our own trials and perils; when we can share what we've learned along the way, it reminds us that we're all connected. We all feel the same things. We all go through the same things. We are all human.

2. The Art of Forgiveness
For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your Heavenly father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins - Matthew 6:14-15
For a long time, I harbored many ill feelings in my life. I was angry that people had hurt me and then selfishly tried to justify that hurt. My mother has always told me that I am a very forgiving person (one of the few good qualities I had even before I was a Christian), but I struggled to forgive the people who hurt me during this period in my life.

Those ill feelings held me back from the peace and joy I longed for. I didn't want to have anymore hurt left in my world. I wanted to make peace with the past. For my sake. For their sake. For God's sake.

I came across Matthew 6:14-15 one morning and just knew it was time. I wanted to forgive their trespasses so God would forgive mine. And I learned that harboring those feelings didn't hurt anyone but myself. I carried around their weight. I carried around their sorrow. I carried around their hurt. The people who hurt me had already moved on.

Forgiving them didn't not release them from their wrongs; it simply released me from my past. Realizing this made forgiveness much easier and my heart much happier.

3. A Heart Full of Gratitude
Give thanks in all circumstances... - 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Trials. Tribulations. Perils. Hardships.

You can call the hard seasons of your life any number of things, but they really are God's way of teaching us gratitude. If I hadn't gone through the perils I have, I don't know that I would have found faith. I don't know that I would even like the person I grew up to be. I just know that I'm grateful to have gone through some very dark parts of this journey. Now, I can appreciate the present so much more. And even the past.

I know that this life is only temporary. So are the good times and the bad. Life is always changing--always propelling us forward. A season of peril will always be followed by a season of prosperity. Once the lesson is learned, the cycle begins all over again. It's just how God works.

If you approach perils with the right frame of mind, you might be surprised to look back over the dark moments of your journey and see the positive side effects.


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