Friday, August 16, 2013

My Week In Pictures

The fact that I'm sitting here at my computer actually writing this blog post today is a miracle in itself.
You know that saying, "A lifetime can happen in a day"?
Yeah, that's been my day.
I woke up this morning, but it already feels like the far, distant past.
Maybe it happened 40+ years ago.
I can't say for sure.
What I can tell you is that my feet hurt, my head aches, and taking a three-day long nap sounds amazing right now.
That, however, is not in the cards for me.
In the wise words of my grandmother, "There's no rest for the wicked."
So, what have I been up to this past week?
A lot.
Training dogs, signing my school contract, going on a field trip, and attempting to do my wifely duties.
Please, if you come by my house tomorrow, don't look around.
It's a scary sight.
Anyway, here is My Week In Pictures...

We took the dogs to the lake because Niko loves to swim.
He'd swim all day if we'd let him.
The lake was flooded. 
That's a "No Parking Any Time" sign nearly underwater.

Kelly, Niko, and Zailey playing in the water.

It rained like crazy again this week.
Here is a picture from my the front door.
There's practically a lake in the road.
On the plus side, doesn't my green yard look gorgeous?!

My mom has become obsessed with "eating raw". 
So, we juiced a watermelon.
Surprisingly, it takes pretty good when it's cold.

Niko and Zailey waiting for Daddy to get home.
They really love hanging out with each other.

And, on occasion, even cuddle.
Aren't they cute?!

Our pastor gave a great sermon on being grateful this past Sunday night.
If you're interested in reading about Pastor Koons' 3 Simple Ideas to help you give thanks in everything, click here.
I can guarantee you it will be a blessing to you to read!
Anyway, one of the things I learned this past week is to be grateful for the gift of sight.
"Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun." (Ecc. 11:7)
And then God planted a gorgeous sunset in front of me.
I love how he reminds me time and time again how to enjoy the simple things in life.
They truly make this life worth living.

Oh, Oklahoma, you never cease to amaze me with your beauty.

Zailey Marie has adjusted quite well to life in the Hansen home. 
She really loves running around the backyard!
If only Niko would.
When the grass gets too long, he refuses to walk on it.
I will never understand that dog.

Yesterday I went to the zoo with our church's home-schooled group.
O.K. something about hanging out with a bunch of kids turns me into one again.
I yelled.
I laughed.
I asked a million 'What's your favorite _____?" questions.
I oohed and ahhed over animals.
I even started the entire van on a QT chant.
I don't know what's wrong with me!
It's like I've reverted back to elementary school or something.
I'm not proud of this fact, but I sure had fun yesterday.
And I can't wait to do it again.

So, I may have mistaken this 'rhino' for a 'hippo'. 
Don't worry, the kids made sure to tell me I was wrong.
It was actually pretty funny.

And finally, here is a picture of all of us heading to the zoo.
I told you.
They turn into a kid again.
I'm grateful for that.
Sometimes I take this life too seriously.
And I need a day every now and then to enjoy the simple things in life.
You never know when a lifetime will happen in a day.
When it does, I'm glad I have these pictures to reflect back on.
They're good reminders that what's important isn't the hardships, struggles or long days.
It's the journey.
It's the realization that we all go through them.
And we somehow make it out alive.

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