Friday, August 9, 2013

My Week In Pictures: Gratitude

I was reminded of something very important this week:
there really is so much to be grateful for in this life.
I know I've probably touched on this subject a million times, 
but I try to always live my life with a heart full of gratitude.
I love counting my blessings.
When I'm thanking God for what I do have, I'm not worrying about the things I don't have.
After all, it really is the simple things in life that matter the most.

Our week here in Northeastern Oklahoma started with storms. 
And, well, it's ending with them. 

But I'm not complaining. 
I love waking up to the rain and thunder.
We did see patches of blue sky every once in a while.

And I was lucky enough to see a rainbow while waiting for my husband at his work. 
Even though we missed church, I was grateful that I was stuck sitting in my car for over an hour, surrounded by peace and calm and a few rain showers.
I don't know how to slow down.
I'm always in a hurry to get everything done.
Sometimes God knows exactly what I need.
And on Wednesday night, I needed a little sign.
A sign that at the end of every storm is a beautiful reminder that God never leaves us.

This week has had its ups and downs in the dog department.
Niko and Zailey act like siblings.
They fight over toys.
They work together to work against me.
They cuddle when they think no one is watching.
But even though I'm completely worn out by these two high-energy dogs,
I'm also grateful that we are able to give them a wonderful home filled with lots of love and laughs.

I was typing up a letter to a potential website client.
They have dogs and I was telling them about how we ended up with both Niko and Zailey.
I started crying as I started writing about Niko's past.
It breaks my heart every time I think about all the suffering he endured while he was living in a backyard for a year with no human contact and little food.
His previous owners didn't even have shelter for him.
What kind of people treat an innocent creature like that?
And poor Zailey.
She was found living in Wal-Mart.
I'm not sure where she came from or what kind of life she had before.
Maybe I don't want to know
It just breaks my heart that they suffered so horribly before coming home with us. 
So, maybe we spoil them a little.
And maybe they get away with too much.
At the end of the day, we're just grateful they ended up in our care.

If you're not grateful for the little things, how will you ever be grateful for the big things?

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