Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Truth About the Sooner State

Oh, Oklahoma. There's a reason they named a movie after you. 

You are beautiful in EVERY season. 

In the Winter, when the world turns cold and dead. Your fields are filled with snow.

In the Spring, as new life enters, you bloom and flourish beneath the weight of winter.

In the Summer, your thunderstorms bring rain and fill the lakes and ponds with water.

In the Fall, your colors burn bright against the hay-colored fields.

There's no part of you that I don't love. 

From the smell of freshly cut hay to your dirt roads. 

From your open plains to your hilly scenes. 

From your friendly occupants to your small town charm.

Oklahoma, if they only knew how beautiful you truly are.

If they only knew the kind of life you offer those who love to view the world from their front porches, sipping sweet tea.

The truth about you, Oklahoma, the Sooner state, is that you are nothing like they imagine you.

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