Saturday, July 26, 2014

Let's Become An Unrushed People

I was driving through the pouring rain, perturbed because I had to slow down to accommodate for the rivers of water rushing down the road. Oklahoma weather is always unpredictable that way. One moment sunshine and warmth filled the plains I call home; one moment later a storm unleashed its fury on our small town.

But isn't that how life is sometimes? It changes direction and we have to scramble to prepare for the latest storm we find clanging overhead.

There was something--deep down inside--that told me to sit out the storm. "Just let it pass," I heard a quiet voice say. But I ignored it. Because I've become a person who is always busy.

If I'm being honest, being busy makes me feel important. It makes me feel worthy. The world has brainwashed me into thinking that if my days are not filled with constant motion, then I'm lazy and I don't like to work.

But those are all lies. They're lies that we begin believing when we allow the world's opinion of us to trump our Creator's.

So, when that car hit me and put a stop to every plan I had for the day, I simply thanked God.

Yes, thanked God.

I stood in the pouring rain as my high heels and dress soaked through while talking to the police officer and thanked God for those 20 minutes of complete stillness.

It was cleansing.

It was refreshing.

And I wanted to cry because I hadn't been still in months. I hadn't slowed down long enough to thank God for anything. I had simply been in 'rush mode'.

Rush here.

Rush there.

Rush to the store.

Rush to work.

Rush to church.

Rush to lunch.

Rush to help this person, then that person.

Rush, rush, rush.

But while the red and blue lights flashed in my rear view mirror through a curtain of rain, I sat perfectly still and realized that sometimes God will stop us completely to remind us that in this life we have one true calling: be a servant of Christ. No where in the Bible does it say we have to rush anywhere.

So, let's become an unrushed people. Who accept that we will arrive places (yes, even church) late. Who accept that this life is to be enjoyed. Our motto should never be "live to work", but rather "work to live."

May we become a people who love moments when we are rushed and God stops us in our tracks to get our attention.

May we become a people who enjoy slowing down and enjoying the scenery.

May we become a people who love to sit a while at Jesus' feet and rest a while.


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