Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Good Wife Chronicles: An Open Letter To Husbands Everywhere

Dear Husbands,

I want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. Every day, you awake and head to a job that supports your family. Maybe you like your job, maybe you don't. Perhaps you spend 8 hours in an office or commuting or making house calls or working hard labor in rain, sun and snow.

Whatever your job, thank you for doing it 5- 6 days a week. You are a true man if you provide for your family in this way. You deserve a medal that states, "Your Name is a man of integrity, humility and courage who faithfully provides and cares for his family." Honestly, you deserve accolades and praise for your service to your family. And my prayer is that your wife acknowledges this.

Here's the thing, husbands: you work hard. Your job is difficult and stressful, even on the best days. Because your job is to provide spiritually, financially and emotionally for the people God has entrusted you with. And most days, it probably seems like an impossible feat.

Please don't take this as a slight against your gender or role, but I can most likely guarantee that your wife's job and role aren't as highly regarded to you as they ought to be.

Your wife's main role is this life is to be your best and most devoted helper. She takes care of the details--the miniscule things that slip your mind--so you can handle the big things. Her job, while not regarded as meaningful or worth praise in our society, is almost more important than yours. You see, she is the glue that holds your beautiful family together.

Take my husband for instance: the poor man can't even remember where he takes his shoes off. He will be eagerly roaming the house at 8:53 am in search of the size 12 work shoes that are no doubt in an obvious location.

"Honey?" he will call out perplexed.

"They're under the dining room table!" I'll holler back.

This, husbands, is a daily occurrence. One I would miss terribly if he weren't around. I am that in tune with his needs and the way his mind works.

Most of the time, I will take care of his needs before he realizes them. His shirt will be ironed before he gets out of the shower each morning. His dirty clothes washed and put away. An invoice sitting on his desk to be delivered. A new gallon of milk in the fridge. The lawn mowed and edged. A cold drink brought to his place of work on hot days. A warm meal awaiting his arrival home from work.

I live and breathe my wife role. And often times, I feel it goes unnoticed. By my husband and by the world.

Your wife's role calls her to give up her daily wants--and sometimes needs--to care for you. I can tell you it is her most fulfilling role. But over time, when you don't show your appreciation or gratitude because life is busy and you assume she knows she's valued though you never tell her, she'll start to resent her role. She will resent the role that society looks down upon. She will resent the role that others mock because they laugh at submission and esteem the nagging, independent women who control their husbands.

Dearest husbands, if you have a noble (distunguished, different, distinct) wife, know that she is worth more than rubies. Read Proverbs 31 to get an overview of her role. It will shed a ton of light on who she was created to be and how you can pray for her role.

If the world is telling her that her role is not worth much, it's of the utmost importance that YOU remind her how valuable she is. You don't have to do it every day, but once a week make a point to let her know you appreciate her.

Here are some ways you can do just that:

Take out the overflowing trash
Load or unload the dishwasher
Rub her shoulders
Tell her you appreciate her
Make her dinner (even if its just spaghetti!)
Remove all water bottles/dirty socks/plates or whatever you keep a collection of on your side of the bed
Sit on the couch and talk to her--really have a deep conversation
Call her on your lunch break to tell her you were thinking of her
Praise her--loudly--for all to hear
Speak to her kindly--in all circumstances
Hold her tight

Husbands, I know you are smart, hardworking fellas who love their families immensely. Your faithfulness is proof of your good works. Don't forget your wife works just as hard in her role. She will praise the Lord over and over when she has a husband who acknowledges her importance.

Husbands, you've got this!

Your Wife-Friend In Christ,


  1. My daughter in law and son have a mirrow that has I love you because and they write notes to each other. I read your blogpost to her and she shared this idea. They have a busy busy life and their I love yous were going un noticed because of their busyness. Now they check the notes on the mirrow.

  2. That is a great idea, Janie! Thank you so much for sharing!
