Wednesday, March 26, 2014

25 Life Lessons For My Birthday

In a few days, I will turn the big 25. And spending 25 years on this planet has taught me a great deal of lessons. So, my birthday wish is that you will be encouraged--maybe even inspired--by the beautiful lessons I've learned so far along the way. Here's to 25 more glorious years!

1. Laugh. All the time. Don't stop. Life is meant to be enjoyed. So, enjoy it.

2. Choose Joy. Every day. There's nothing in this world that can steal the joy of simply being alive for one more precious day.

3. Cry happy tears more often. At weddings. Baptisms. Hallmark commercials. When God performs even the smallest of miracles. Let those celebration tears fall.

4. Don't keep score. God doesn't. You shouldn't either.

5. Become a master at small talk. It just might turn into a deep conversation with a stranger.

6. Encourage. Whenever possible. Everyone is going through a trial. If they're not, they've either just come out of one or are about to head into one.

7. Be teachable. Your whole life. Never stop learning. Never stop letting others teach you new things.

8. Get up early to watch the sun rise. Not every day, but once a week. Watch as the earth wakes itself up. Remind yourself to be still. Take in the beauty.

9. Drink a hot beverage every day. Coffee. Tea. Hot chocolate. Whatever floats your boat. Sit on the couch, take a few deep breaths, and contemplate life as the steam rises from your warm cup.

10. Sing. Loud. Even if you're horrible. Don't be afraid to let it all out.

11. Stand up. When others need you. When someone is challenging your beliefs. Get up. Stand up.

12. Go out to eat. For special occasions. Just because. You deserve a nice meal out. Treat yourself. Treat a friend.

13. Be kind. To everyone you meet. We all need a dose of kindness every now and then. Be someone's.

14. Challenge yourself. Face your fears. If you're scared to do something, it's very important that you attempt it. Yes, even those terrifying roller coasters.

15. Send lots of cards. Birthday cards. Thank you cards. Just because cards. A handwritten note is always more personal than an email.

16. Live in different places. The city. The country. The suburbs. A different state. A different country. Broaden your horizons.

17. Explore. Your backyard. Your city. Your state. Your country. Whatever you do, get outside and look around.

18. Don't wait. Wear the fancy dress hanging in the closet. Pull out the polished silverware. Use the special occasion tablecloth. Everything is replaceable. The time that's already passed is not.

19. Don't rush. Take the long way home. Walk, don't run. Slow down. Don't miss the beautiful parts of life.

20. Be good to yourself. Fill your life with positive people. Pick a career you love. Don't put undo pressure on yourself.

21. Forgive yourself. Remove 'regret' from your vocabulary. Let go of the mistakes. Choose to focus on today.

22. Wear less makeup. Take on the world with your natural beauty. Because you are beautiful.

23. Listen. Don't interrupt conversations. Don't interrupt people. Make every effort to really hear what they are saying. People will appreciate you more if you do.

24. Serve others. Do good things for them without expecting repayment. Serve because you have two hands and two feet that can help.

25. Love. Without boundaries. Without limitations. Pour your heart and soul into people. Love until your heart is bursting at the seams.


  1. Happy Birthday Happy Birthday My son got me one of the cutest cards and you have to understand my humor to appreciate it. His wife was now going to put her name on it so she got another one. My son's card said I was having the perfect birthday The inside was you are not dead yet. I laughed and laughed and often smile when I think of it. It is too easy to forget how precious life is.

  2. Janie,
    Life is PRECIOUS! Thanks for sharing the story about your birthday card! You son sounds a lot like his father ;)
