Monday, April 29, 2013


"If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all."

I can't tell you the number of times my mother said this to me while I was growing up. I was one of those kids who was in the bad habit of speaking without thinking first. And my mouth got me into a lot of trouble. Thankfully, with God's grace and some wise advice from people much smarter than I, I've learned how to tame my tongue. It's been quite the adventure, but I no longer feel the need to voice every opinion, attend every argument I am invited to or have the last word. I like to tell people, "I finally saw the light!"

If you knew me seven years ago, you probably wouldn't believe that the opinionated 17 year-old who thought she had it all figured out would eventually realize that her words really weren't that helpful. They did one of two things: they either made me look ignorant or they would belittle the person I was talking to.

In reality, all people really need to hear is that you love and support them. 

The people God puts into your life don't always need your advice, or your stories about how you managed to survive the crisis they now find themselves in. I believe this was a lesson that I should have learned much more quickly than I did. But I'm grateful that I eventually got my head out of the sand and figured it out.

So, when I see others speak without thinking first, I cringe. I cringe because I know that we don't always know the whole story--even when we think we do. And I cringe because I know that words have the power to discourage and tear down when they really should be used to build up.This past week I was on the receiving end of a very interesting comment that was aimed at tearing me down. But it made me realize that sometimes people's harsh words have absolutely nothing to do with me. Sometimes it's my strengths that bring to light their deficiencies. Others times, people are just trying to be cruel. But I can forgive them for that because I was there once, too. 

My pastor showed me this and I thought I would share it with you. 
I hope it will be help and blessing to you.

Remember to "encourage one another and build each other up." - Thessalonians 5:11

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